Open hiring® - Tine Dufour

What is Open Hiring®?

leestijd: 3min | # principals #trends | 31 August 2021 | Amber Verduijn

The pressure on the labor market continues, and no sector is spared the insistent grip of scarcity. From technical profiles, hospitality workers to even teachers. The shortage of the right people is being felt everywhere. Consequently, HR professionals, recruiters and business leaders are by necessity looking for creative solutions to attract the right talent. This is how we came across the brand new and innovative 'Open Hiring®'. This groundbreaking recruitment technique came over from the US and, thanks to Divergent also a first pilot project in Belgium. Tine Defour, employment consultant at Divergent, will be happy to tell you why Open Hiring® fits your organization.

What is Open Hiring®?

Open Hiring® is an innovative recruitment technique that has blown over from the United States and is now increasingly gaining a foothold in the Netherlands and Flanders. It is innovative in that it is diametrically opposed to how we recruit today. It is recruiting without a resume, without a cover letter, without an interview or selection tests. The employer writes out a job posting and a candidate can register on a waiting list if they think they are right for the job. Then the candidate highest on the list is invited for an interview and then they can start. The job is the ultimate test so anyone with gusto can put themselves on the list.


What professions or companies is Open Hiring® suitable for?

Open Hiring® is primarily suited for positions where skills can be performed largely on the shop floor. Think production workers, cleaners or hospitality staff. Companies must also adhere to a number of ground rules. Vacancies through Open Hiring® can only be opened up if it is a job with a permanent option and the candidate must receive full pay from the start.


What are the challenges or pitfalls with Open Hiring®?

Open Hiring® is for employers with guts. They not only open their doors but must welcome candidates without prejudice. On the other hand, it is not a one-way ticket to idle hands for the candidate or also no quick fix to fill vacancies cheaply and quickly for the employer. Employer and employee must continue to prove to each other what they are capable of. There is also testing, evaluation and adjustment, but that happens mainly on the job. In addition, as an employer you provide an independent job coach who continues to match the needs of employer and employee.


Looking for workforce shortage solutions?

At GIGHOUSE you will quickly get in touch with the most suitable freelancer for your assignment. Post your assignment for free, specify your budget and describe the skills you are looking for. Choose the right match between the suitable profiles we offer and only pay for the services delivered by the freelancer. Transparent and to-the-point! You can register via https://dev.thibaultmarrannes.be/freelancer-zoeken/

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