Freelancer summit

3 reasons why you should attend the Freelancer Summit

leestijd: 5min | #events #freelancers | 10 October 2023 | Daan De Bock

On Oct. 19, the very first edition of the Freelancer Summit will take place. The summit is an initiative of entrepreneurial organization UNIZO, knowledge platform NextConomy and yes, yours truly: GIGHOUSE! Together we have had the honor of putting together an interesting and educational program for freelancers over the past year. During half a day we will tell you everything you need to know to surf the wave of E-contracting, Artificial Intelligence & Digitalization as a freelance expert. Why you should definitely attend the summit? Read on below!

1. Meet other freelancers

One of the main reasons to attend the Freelancer Summit is to get to know other freelancers. Because tell yourself, how strong is the lone freelancer? At this conference you can network with freelancers from all possible fields of expertise. That means: new relevant contacts, learning from each other or just a nice chat 😊

2. Retraining yourself

Technology is rushing past us. Applications that seemed like science fiction just last week have become standard today. For freelancers, it is not easy to keep up with all the novelties. We see digitalization changing all areas of entrepreneurship. Finance, marketing channels, remote workplaces as well as the way you send invoices are all subject to disruptive technologies. No fear of course. We are still convinced of the power of the freelancer. Armed with the right technologies, they are stronger than ever. But that's why it's important to stay up to date and know the right tools. To learn these tools, we put together 3 breakout blocks where you can choose which topic you want to learn more about.

Breakout 14:55-15:25

  • Charlotte van Brabander
    Optimize money mindset and money management with an eye toward financial freedom.
  • Thibault Marrannes
    From Chaos to Control: Optimal Use of Tools for Streamlined Workflows
  • Lotte Vanhalst
    Working abroad as a freelancer. How do you get started?

Breakout 15:50-16:20

  • Wouter Dorissen
    How do you launch a new brand in less than an hour using AI?
  • Madelien Overtoom
    Digital Wellbeing
  • Stephan Van Dyck
    Make sure you are not the weak link in security

Breakout 16:30-17:00

  • Victor Kerremans
    Is it true that Freelancers have too much time on their hands?
  • Marleen Deleu
    What are MSP, VMS, FMS and how do you take advantage of them as a freelancer?
  • Guy Van der Sande
    Digital skills and legal aspects for successful freelancing in the digital world

In addition to these interesting breakouts, there will also be 5 keynotes that will undoubtedly inspire you. Feel free to take a look at the website for the full program.

3. Meet and greet!

The Freelancer Summit is the perfect opportunity to meet our matchmakers in real life. Feel free to stop by the GIGHOUSE booth, because in this digital world, doesn't it secretly stay nice to meet in real life? Will we see you there?


The Freelancer Summit is a must for any freelancer who wants to further shape his or her career and develop a forward-looking vision. At this conference you can meet other freelancers, meet new clients, educate yourself and get inspired. Hurry to the Freelancer Summit website and order your ticket today!

Grab your ticket

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