freelancer resume

5 things you better delete from your resume as a freelancer

leestijd: 2min | #freelancers 1TP5Starting as a freelancer | September 20, 2018 | Daan De Bock
Freelancer and looking for an assignment? Then take another look at your resume first! In many cases, it remains crucial during the first contact with clients. Scrap the following don'ts from your CV and increase your chances of a successful collaboration!


1. Your vacation job from when you were 16

The statement "the more experience, the better" is not always true. Include in your freelancer resume only experience that is relevant to the niche in which you are seeking an assignment. Keep 'less is more' in mind here.

As a starting freelancer, though, it may be opportune to list vacation jobs. After all, this shows companies that you are entrepreneurial and like to roll up your sleeves.


2. Your reason for any early termination of previous assignments

In your resume, you try to "sell" yourself a bit. By emphasizing negative things, clients are easily put off. When asked during the selection process about the reason for dismissal, answer openly and honestly.


3. Your hobbies that are just not so common....

Mentioning something about your private activities is definitely a good idea! It tells a lot about your personality and gives a picture of your activities outside of work. However, it is best to think about what you mention. It is advisable to only mention things that are relevant to the job in question. For example, certain hobbies can be a turnoff if they do not immediately match the convictions of the client or the company.


4. "References available upon request."

Don't waste space on your resume by including this phrase. This is not information the recruiter or client is looking for in the first place. They want to know more about your skills and abilities, not what others think of you. When asked about this at a later stage, it is advisable to provide the most relevant references.


5. Lies

People sometimes tend to pen down a "little white lie" to put themselves in a good light. Do not do this! Also, never extend the period of employment for the purpose of covering up unemployed periods. Explain that "hole" in your resume honestly and don't be afraid of being rejected on it.

When formatting your freelancer resume, always keep in mind that, above all, it should be uncluttered. Do not make your CV too long (1 page is recommended) and do not include unnecessary information. This way you motivate the recruiter or client to contact you with questions.


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