
Privacy Statement GIGHOUSE

Article 1 - General

1.1 GIGHOUSE BV (hereinafter "GIGHOUSE"), with its registered office at Beversesteenweg 576, 8800 Roeselare, Belgium, and registered with the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises under number 0825.694.088, processes personal data of certain persons (hereinafter "Data Subjects") as the "Controller".

This Privacy Statement (hereinafter "Privacy Statement") is addressed to the following Data Subjects: candidates, freelancers, applicants for internal vacancies at GIGHOUSE, business contacts, clients and other individuals.

GIGHOUSE takes the privacy of Data Subjects very seriously. (Personal) data obtained by GIGHOUSE will be adequately and carefully protected.

Please read this Privacy Statement carefully as it contains your rights with respect to GIGHOUSE.

This Privacy Statement may be revised or updated periodically. We encourage you to review it periodically.

1.2 GIGHOUSE complies with the European Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (better known as "AVG" or "GDPR"), as well as the Law of 30 July 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data, and the anti-spam provisions from Book XII of the Economic Law Code on the "law of the electronic economy" (as applicable).

Article 2 - Categories of Data Subjects

GIGHOUSE processes personal data of various categories of Data Subjects:

  • From freelancers/candidates:
    • From individuals using the GIGHOUSE app (hereinafter, the "App"),
    • From persons using the website www.gighouse.be (hereinafter, the "Website"),
    • From individuals who otherwise leave data with GIGHOUSE in order to make use of GIGHOUSE's services,
    • Of persons directly introduced by the client to GIGHOUSE and where the services of GIGHOUSE relate only to contract acts,
    • From individuals who have made their information public (e.g., LinkedIn, etc.) showing that they are looking for work,
    • From individuals referred to GIGHOUSE by other service providers as a prospect/lead (see Article 4.2),
  • Applicants for an internal vacancy at GIGHOUSE
  • Business contacts, clients and other individuals
    • From contacts at clients,
    • From contacts at suppliers and service providers,
    • Of contacts and references passed on by the freelancer/candidate.


Article 3 - Purposes and legal basis of processing.

3.1 General purposes and legal basis


3.1.1 Personal data obtained directly

GIGHOUSE will use the following directly obtained personal data exclusively for the following purposes for freelancers, candidates:

Type of data Personal data Processing purpose Legal basis for processing
Id. IP address, ... - Provide and improve the Website, Apps and services



(pre)contractual relationship
Cookies (see also cookie policy) Permission
Name and e-mail address (contact data), address (contact data), phone number (contact data), nationality, language, ... - To provide you with requested or useful information or services;

- To offer our services in the best possible way;

(pre)contractual relationship
- To tailor our services and ensure that the right profiles are matched; in this regard, we may use proprietary profiling to supplement/enrich data[1]. However, we do not use automated decision making. Profiling is done based on predetermined criteria by GIGHOUSE. ; Legitimate interest of GIGHOUSE to improve the service and ensure the proper functioning and growth of GIGHOUSE (freedom of enterprise and right to information)
Name, email address - To send direct marketing and thus to offer our services in the best possible way; to provide a smoother and more targeted service; to help the Data Subjects quickly to the right assignment; to present our services; to promote personal contact with the Data Subjects. Permission
Communications Name, phone numbers, e-mail address, message content - To offer our services in the best possible way;

- To provide you with requested information or services;

(pre)contractual relationship
Image Photos, videos, testimonials, ... - To offer our services in the best possible way; Permission
Professional and/or educational credentials CV, cover letter, education, skills, work history, minor and major occupation, public record, references, portfolio, job title, ... - To assess whether you are a suitable candidate for a job opening;

- To contact you if we have or have not rejected your application, and to invite you for an interview;

- To contact you should a relevant position present itself in the near future;

- To offer our services in the best possible way;

(pre)contractual relationship
- To tailor our services and ensure that the right profiles are matched, in this regard we may use profiling and data completion/enrichment techniques[2]; However, we do not use automated decision making. Profiling is done based on predetermined criteria by GIGHOUSE. ; Legitimate interest of GIGHOUSE to improve the service and ensure the proper functioning and growth of GIGHOUSE (freedom of enterprise and right to information)
Billing information Bank account number, daily and hourly rates, timesheets, expenses, invoices, ... - For payment of invoices; (pre)contractual relationship


GIGHOUSE will use the following directly obtained personal data exclusively for the following purposes for applicants for an internal vacancy at GIGHOUSE:

Type of data Personal data Processing purpose Legal basis for processing
Id. IP address, ... - Provide and improve the Website, Apps and services



(pre)contractual relationship
Cookies (see also cookie policy) Permission
Name, e-mail address, phone number, ... - To contact you if we have or have not rejected your application, and to invite you for an interview;

- To contact you should a relevant position present itself in the near future;

(pre)contractual relationship
Professional and/or educational credentials CV, cover letter, education, work history, public records, test results, references, diplomas, certificates, ... - To assess whether you are a suitable candidate for a job opening;

- To contact you should a relevant position present itself in the near future;

(pre)contractual relationship


GIGHOUSE will use the following directly obtained personal data exclusively for the following purposes for business contacts, clients and other persons:

Type of data Personal data Processing purpose Legal basis for processing
Id. IP address, ... - Provide and improve the Website, Apps and services



(pre)contractual relationship
Cookies (see also cookie policy) Permission
Name, e-mail address, phone number, ... - To provide you with requested information or services; (pre)contractual relationship (clients and business associates)
Legitimate interest (contacts and references) of GIGHOUSE to improve the service and ensure the proper functioning and growth of GIGHOUSE (freedom of enterprise and right to information).
Name, email address - To send direct marketing and thus to offer our services in the best possible way; to provide a smoother and more targeted service; to help the Data Subjects quickly find the right freelancer; to present our services.


Communications Messages via email, ...


- To offer our services in the best possible way; (pre)contractual relationship
Image Photos, videos, ... - To offer our services in the best possible way; Permission
Billing information Additional data that may be collected during a credit check with clients by GIGHOUSE - To verify that the customer is a creditworthy party Legitimate interest of GIGHOUSE to ensure continuity of service and check to cooperate with creditworthy parties

In general, you are not obliged to communicate your personal data. For the provision of certain services, the communication of personal data is legally or contractually necessary and it is therefore impossible to provide these services if you refuse to communicate the personal data in question.

3.1.2 Personal data obtained indirectly

GIGHOUSE will use the following indirectly obtained personal data exclusively for the following purposes for freelancers, candidates:


Data source Type of data Personal data Processing purpose Legal basis for processing
Other businesses within HOHR (see Article 4.2) Id. Name, email address, phone number - To provide GIGHOUSE's services to candidates/freelancers. Legitimate interest of GIGHOUSE to improve services and ensure the proper functioning and growth of GIGHOUSE (freedom of enterprise and right to information).

3.2 Duration of processing

The personal data are stored and processed by GIGHOUSE for a period necessary in function of the purposes of the processing as described in Article 3 and in function of the contractual relationship between GIGHOUSE and the Data Subject (see Article 2):


Cookies See Cookie policy
Data related to freelancers/candidates 1. If the freelancer has ever performed an assignment with a client of GIGHOUSE:

GIGHOUSE keeps the personal data of freelancer for at least 10 years after the end of the freelancer's last assignment.

Then the following actions are performed:

- If there has been no further contact between the freelancer and GIGHOUSE in the 10 years following the end of the freelancer's last assignment, the freelancer's personal data will be permanently deleted.

- If there has been another contact between the freelancer and GIGHOUSE in the 10 years following the end of the freelancer's last assignment, the freelancer's personal data will be permanently deleted 10 years after the last contact.


2. If the candidate/freelancer has never performed an assignment with a client of GIGHOUSE:

The freelancer's personal data will be permanently deleted 10 years after the last contact between the freelancer and GIGHOUSE.

Data related to applicants internal vacancies GIGHOUSE keeps personal data of applicants for internal vacancies for 5 years after the last contact with the applicant.


Data related to clients and business associates GIGHOUSE retains the personal data of clients, customers or other business associates for 10 years after the last contract.
Data related to references and contacts freelancers/candidates 1. If the freelancer (who transferred personal data of contacts/references to GIGHOUSE) has ever performed an assignment with a client of GIGHOUSE:

GIGHOUSE retains the personal data of contacts/references for at least 10 years after the end of the last assignment between the freelancer and the client.

Then the following actions are performed:

- If there has been no further contact between the freelancer and GIGHOUSE in the 10 years following the end of the freelancer's last assignment, the personal data of the contacts/references will be permanently deleted.

- If there has been another contact between the freelancer and GIGHOUSE in the 10 years after the end of the freelancer's last assignment, the personal data of the contacts/references will be permanently deleted 10 years after the last contact between the freelancer and GIGHOUSE.


2. If the candidate/freelancer (who transferred personal data of contacts/references to GIGHOUSE) has never performed an assignment with a client of GIGHOUSE:

GIGHOUSE stores the personal data of contacts/references 10 years after the last contact between GIGHOUSE and the freelancer. Thereafter, the personal data of contacts/references are permanently deleted.

Listed personal data are maintained in accordance with specific legal requirements, such as, for example, applicable statutes of limitation (relating to commercial claims/discrimination claims/...).


4 Transfer to third parties


4.1 Transfer to service providers and others


GIGHOUSE may transfer your personal data to the following third parties:


Categories of recipients Types of personal data Purpose
Principals Identification information, billing information, professional and/or training information, image, ... - To fill for open assignments with Clients,

- For billing,

- For fulfilling legal obligations

Prospects Identification data, professional and/or educational data, image, ... - To ensure the proper operation and growth of GIGHOUSE
Software development Identification data, billing data, image, professional and/or educational data, ... - Technical and operational support
Sofware tools for the app Identification data, billing data, image, professional and/or educational data, ... - Technical and operational support
Software tools for the website Identification data, image, professional and/or educational data, ... - Technical and operational support
Software tools for the web platform Identification data, billing data, image, professional and/or educational data, ... - Technical and operational support
Software tools for internal operation (including matching tools, invoicing, ATS, communication tools, etc.) Identification data, billing data, image, professional and/or training data, communication, ... - Technical and operational support
Cloud providers Identification data, billing data, image, professional and/or educational data, ... - Technical and operational support
Lawyers Depending on the file - Technical and operational support
Auditors, corporate auditors Depending on the audit - Technical and operational support
National and international governments and judicial authorities Depending on the legal provision, court order or judgment - To comply with a statutory provision, court order or judgment
Other third parties Depending on the legal provision, court order or judgment - To comply with a statutory provision, court order or judgment

4.2 Intra-group transfer of data

GIGHOUSE is part of the House of HR group, which includes several companies active in the field of staffing and human resources. These include the following Belgian brands: Accent, CTRL-F , Buildor, Nowjobs, Jobroad , Sixie, Talent Lab. More information regarding the House of HR group and its member companies can be found here: https://www.houseofhr.com/companies.

GIGHOUSE will share the personal data it processes with other companies within the House of HR Group in the context of intra-group cooperation and/or intra-group service provision in order to improve, facilitate and simplify the activities and services of GIGHOUSE and the House of HR Group (e.g. ICT services, accounting, analyses and statistics, accounts receivable management, direct marketing, etc.).

In certain cases, GIGHOUSE may act as a joint controller together with other companies of the House of HR group:

  • GIGHOUSE processes personal data under the joint responsibility of TRIPLE A Belgium BV in the context of database management, invoicing, contract management customers.

The joint controllers have entered into an agreement pursuant to Art. 26 of the AVG which defines the specific rights, duties and responsibilities of each controller in relation to the joint processing responsibility. This means that they then jointly determine the purpose of and the means for processing your personal data within the framework of above mentioned purposes. In this case, they are jointly responsible for compliance with applicable data protection legislation. However, GIGHOUSE remains your main point of contact, including for the exercise of your rights in respect of your personal data (for more information on the exercise of your rights, see Article 5).

4.3 Transfer to Third Countries:

GIGHOUSE may transfer your personal data outside the European Economic Area in order to process the data in accordance with this Privacy Statement. In the event that data is transferred outside the European Economic Area, to a country that is not recognized as providing an adequate level of protection, GIGHOUSE will take the necessary measures to ensure that the data transfer takes place in accordance with the GDPR (such as the implementation of contractual provisions that provide sufficient data protection guarantees for the data that will be transferred internationally, contractual provisions, binding corporate rules, exceptions as provided for in Article 49 of the GDPR), more information on this can be found on the following website (https://www.gegevensbeschermingsautoriteit.be/professioneel/thema-s).

For the following purposes, GIGHOUSE transfers your personal data (mainly identification data) to parties located outside the European Economic Area: personnel and intermediary administration and management, customer management and public relations. For these processing operations, adequacy decisions exist (UK, US), or GIGHOUSE has entered into standard contractual clauses and done a transfer impact assessment showing that the third country provides an adequate level of protection (Australia, US).

For further information in this respect, such as, inter alia, the measures taken by GIGHOUSE in response to the transfer of personal data outside the EEA, you can always contact GIGHOUSE in accordance with article 9.

Article 5 - Your rights


You always have the right to request GIGHOUSE to inspect, limit, correct or delete your personal data. You have the right to withdraw your consent, object to the processing of personal data or request GIGHOUSE to transfer these data.

You can exercise your rights by contacting GIGHOUSE (contact details can be found in article 9). If GIGHOUSE has reasonable doubts regarding your identity, GIGHOUSE may ask you to prove your identity in order to prevent anyone from gaining unauthorized access to your data.

GIGHOUSE is not always obliged to respond to your request to exercise your rights - your rights apply only in the cases and to the extent provided by the GDPR.

You also have the right to file a complaint with a supervisory authority. For Belgium, this is the Data Protection Authority.

Printing Press Street 35,

1000 Brussels,

Tel +32(0)2 274 48 00

or Fax +32(0)2 274 48 35,

contact@adp-gba.be, https://www.gegevensbeschermingsautoriteit.be/contact.


Article 6 - Security and confidentiality


GIGHOUSE has developed security measures adapted on a technical and organizational level to avoid the destruction, loss, falsification, modification, unauthorized access or inadvertent notification to third parties of personal data collected, as well as any other unauthorized processing of these data.

In order to process your personal data, GIGHOUSE grants access to your personal data to its employees.

GIGHOUSE provides a similar level of protection by making contractual obligations - similar to this Privacy Statement - opposable to its employees and appointees. Concretely, this means that the employees and appointees of GIGHOUSE are bound by confidentiality and that only those for whom it is necessary for the performance of their function may access your personal data.


Article 7 - Changes to this Privacy Statement.


GIGHOUSE may change this Privacy Statement from time to time. To keep you informed of the latest change to our Privacy Statement, GIGHOUSE will update the revision date each time it is changed. The amended Privacy Statement will take effect on that date.

Please refer to this page periodically to be informed of any changes and/or additions.

GIGHOUSE will also proactively notify you of any significant changes to this Privacy Statement.


Article 8

15-07-2024 - Date of last revision.




Article 9 - GIGHOUSE contact


If you have any further questions or comments regarding this Privacy Statement, the processing of your personal data, your rights, or wish to obtain more information about the measures taken by GIGHOUSE in connection with the transfer of personal data outside the EEA, you can always contact our DPO Joke Vancoppernolle at the e-mail address gdpr@gighouse-php-8.local or at the number 051 460 500.


To exercise your rights (in accordance with article 5), you can always contact GIGHOUSE at gdpr@gighouse-php-8.local.



[1] For more explanation, see https://www.thematchbox.ai/nl/matching-oplossingen/assisted-automated-matching/

[2] For more explanation, see https://www.thematchbox.ai/nl/matching-oplossingen/assisted-automated-matching/