

Business Controller | Finance Professional | Finance Manager


Beschikbaar vanaf 01-07-2025

€87.5/ uur

8+ jaar ervaring in Finance

Ervaring in Sector:


Business PartneringPeopleIFRSCash ManagementSAP-systeemSapFinance & AccountingRisicomanagementBelastingwetgevingLiquiditeitsplanningTreasurySAP FIBoekhoudsystemenMS-OfficepakketTeamsFinancieel Jaarverslag


Ali zeer positief: past zich snel aan aan cultuur van bedrijf. Heeft 3 maanden gewerkt als finance manager, redelijk uitvoerend maar ook verantwoordelijk om forecast te maken, opvolging betaling. Deadlines? Sterk alles ingepland en voorbereid. Bezit heel evenwichtig de 4 insights kleuren. Sociaal, gedreven. Heeft goede overdracht gedaan. rnSandy zelf verantwoordelijk voor HR.

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- (2023)

Ali is momenteel direct beschikbaar voor nieuwe opdrachten.


- (2022)

Ervaring als zowel business controller als finance controller.

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Finance controller, business controller, finance manager. • More than 7 years of work experience in financial accounting, reporting, cost control, annual and interim audits, as well as general operational business administration. • Management, coordination and control, work in the field of operational accounting, financial operations, development and improvements implementation within accounting functions. With my broad experience, my critical eye, my sense for efficiency and my transparent communication I bring together expertise that will help you to achieve your goals.

Finance controller, business controller, finance manager. • More than 7 years of work experience in financial accounting, reporting, cost control, annual and interim audits, as well as general operational business administration. • Management, coordination and control, work in the field of operational accounting, financial operations, development and improvements implementation within accounting functions. With my broad experience, my critical eye, my sense for efficiency and my transparent communication I bring together expertise that will help you to achieve your goals.

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