Are you graduating soon in a master, bachelor or postgraduate program within HR and looking for a fun and educational internship? As a start-up we are always facing a lot of challenges and we can definitely use your help!
Our consultant is ready to give you a unique insight and participation in her daily work.
The main focus is on:
Track online registrations of freelancers
- Telephone screening of freelancers
- Profile freelancers: identify experience, competencies and requirements
- Check references of freelancers
Matching freelancers with suitable assignments
- Use our matching algorithm to match profiles based on job description, region, availability, competencies,...
- Actively recruiting through LinkedIn, VDAB...
- Connecting clients and freelancers with each other
- Administration and follow-up cooperation between freelancer and client
Interested in doing an internship at GIGHOUSE? Leave your details and CV using the contact form below and we will contact you soon!