Testimonial freelancer - Katrien Tordeur

The wonderful world of freelancers... GIGHOUSE freelancer Katrien testifies.

leestijd: 3min | #freelancers #estimonials | December 7, 2018 | Daan De Bock
The media regularly inundates us with the increasing number of freelancers and companies working with independent contractors. The transition to self-employment can seem frightening, and the constant search for new assignments is uncharted territory. So why take the plunge anyway? Find out in freelancer Katrien Tordeur's testimonial.


Five years ago, Katrien took the step to become self-employed. Bitten and driven by the HR world, she founded her one-man business 'Trinity Consulting'.

"Since the age of 23 I have been active in the HR world, for 5 years I worked as a minister's right hand man. Because I won the minister's trust, I was soon given enough freedom. As a result, I realized that I really liked being my own boss. At the moment when my period at the Cabinet came to an end, I was for a moment ignorant 'what next?', but soon I made the decision to switch to independent status."


Why the decision to take this step?

"I had made up my mind for myself that I didn't want to be employed anymore. I wanted to be my own boss and have freedom. I am also good at working on projects. I always experience it as a new challenge to be active on different projects. Throughout my career, I had gained a lot of knowledge which I wanted to use on a strategic level in different companies. All these things briefly summed up, so it seemed a logical choice for me to start working as an independent contractor."


How did you get your first assignment?

'My first assignment was a lucky shot! I had a company in mind that I wanted to work with. One day I put on my bold shoes, walked into the company and told my story to the HR person in charge. A week later I started as a temporary HR employee.


How do you experience the continuous search for projects? Do you find suitable projects easily?

"Upon completion of my first freelance assignment, I was contacted by Peak6 (the predecessor of GIGHOUSE). A combination of looking for assignments myself and being offered assignments by GIGHOUSE, ensures that I never have to search long for a new assignment. I don't experience the search for new projects as applying for a job. I see it more as checking with company managers whether we can do something for each other."


Looking back today at the past 5 years of self-employment, what are for you the main advantages and disadvantages associated with self-employed status?

"For me, the biggest advantage of all is my freedom. As a freelancer, you are in a different relationship with your client than you are with your boss in salaried employment. I also couldn't miss the variety in different projects! I love variety and absolutely need it in my career. The downside of this, of course, is that you often have to work evenings to familiarize yourself with a particular project.
People often ask me if I don't prefer a little more security, but I don't think you have more security in a permanent job than as a freelancer. I am a daredevil though, a trait I feel you need to possess somewhere if you decide to be self-employed."


Your area of expertise lies in the HR world. Do you get enough "feel" for the company and its employees during a project?

'In the projects I carry out, it is obviously important to have a clear picture of the organizational structure and to sense where the needs of the employees lie. Personally, I have never had any trouble settling into the existing corporate culture sufficiently. I don't need a strong bond with colleagues, which is usually not evident in the HR world. Whether you start work as a permanent employee or as a freelancer, as an HR manager you are usually not part of the WhatsApp group among colleagues in which the latest gossip is spread.'

Katrien is still very happy with the decision she made 5 years ago. 'I am very happy to have taken the step into the freelance world! The ball is completely in my camp: I make my own decisions and ensure sufficient variety in my career.'


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