gig economy

What is a Gig Economy?

leestijd: 1min | #GiG Economics #GiGHOUSE | October 20, 2018 | Daan De Bock

Gig ... what?!

Are you wondering where the name GIGHOUSE comes from? You don't have to look too far for the answer. GIGHOUSE comes from a Gig Economy, also called a "flex economy" or a "people first economy." In this, companies enter into short-term contracts with independent workers to handle temporary projects.

Because of increasing economic instability and uncertainty, the labor market is demanding more and more flexibility. In all markets, there is an increase in ready-to-work talent that meets employers' need to fill workforce gaps on-demand. Today, already 30% of all SME contracts in Flanders are filled by freelancers, which corresponds to the employment of about 120 000 freelancers. In Brussels alone, some 30,000 freelancers are active. Furthermore, 80% of international companies plan to significantly increase the use of freelancers, consultants and independent contractors.


Freelancers ... why!

From a research by Unizo on the day-to-day activities of freelancers, reveals that the largest freelancer activities include web app and/or software programming (12%), management consulting (10%) and project management (9%). The largest share of "other" (14%) covered a wide variety of specializations. Freelancers can thus be engaged for very diverse business activities.

The big advantage of working with freelancers is that the employer does not have to pay social security contributions on them. They can stand in for busy peaks and offer specific expertise when your company needs it. Long live the gig economy!


Are you also in need of specific expertise within your company or are you still looking for assignments as a freelancer?
Get in touch and we'll help you out!

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